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Happening Info for Cursillistas

Wow; that was an amazing weekend! If only my child or grandchild could go…

While your child or grandchild is not ready for Cursillo, perhaps he/she is ready for Happening.

What is Happening?

Happening originated in Dallas, Texas in the mid-1970s when some high school-aged teens saw the change that Cursillo created in their parents’ lives and wanted to have the same transformative experience. Because their children were not old enough to attend a Cursillo weekend, the parents decided to create a program for their teens based on the Cursillo model, but in a format relevant to high school students, and Happening was born.

Like Cursillo, Happening has a series of talks intended to help youth gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how they can serve him. There is also the same emphasis on community and of course, some awesome surprises.

Who can attend Happening?

Happening weekends occur in our diocese in September, January, and April. September and January weekends are reserved for 10th-12th graders and adults working with youth. The April weekend is open to 9th graders as well as 10th-12th graders.

How can I receive more information?

First, begin by seeking out your parish youth ministry if you have one or asking your parish priest. Or you may contact the Happening lay director, Keith Daw, at

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